Regardless, in case you need samples to create one, please browse through our widely accessible Receipt Templates, which are also downloadable for free. Furthermore, this legal document will serve as the proof of purchase and sale, which is synonymous with a receipt but is more formal. On this page, we provide horse bill of sale templates that you can use to facilitate the change of ownership of any equine animal (such as horses, donkeys, zebras, and asses) to an equestrian, a horse breeder, or a fellow enthusiast in Washington, Virginia, and many other states. This is why we provide you with different samples of standard templates that are tailored specifically to your state or city. Many states, cities, and other types of autonomous territories may require a bill of sale. These templates are downloadable for free in Word, PDF, and other file formats. On that note, should you ever need samples or templates to get you started, please browse through our Horse Bill of Sale Templates and find the one that applies to your state or city. In the event the transaction is subject to audits, it helps a lot to be equipped with the said document. A bill of sale legalizes the transfer of equine ownership to a fellow enthusiast and can help both of you comply with state and federal equine ownership laws.